Thursday, October 12, 2006

"You're hurting my life!"

I think I'm getting addicted to the NaNoWriMo website. The forums are great. I learned a little tip to help me turn off my internal editor while I'm writing. One of the posts had a great suggestion to turn off your monitor while you're writing. If you can't see what you're typing, you can't backspace to change anything. You have to just keep moving forward. I'm definitely going to try this. I can't turn the monitor off with the laptop, but if I don't find a way to blank the screen, I will just make the text in Microsoft Word white, so I can't see it and change it back later. Another option would be to just cover the screen with something. Lots of writers have tried this method of turning off their monitors and swear by it. I'm glad to have found at least one solution that I think will really help.

Another great thing is that I have 7 buddies so far on the site. These are writing buddies that I'm going to be sharing encouragement and motivation with. That's 7 kicks-in-the-butt if my word count doesn't climb fast enough come November 1st. OUCH! If that's not motivation I don't know what is...

My 4-year-old daughter Marissa has a new phrase. When you tell her "No" for something, she says "You're hurting my life!!". She's so dramatic... LOL. I have no idea how she came up with it, but seriously, I had no idea that telling her she's played enough with her Nintendo DS for one day would scar her for life! Yikes... ;)

My cold has moved to my chest and now it's congested along with my head. I was coughing most of the night. I really need to get some sleep... zzzzzzzzz...


Tina in Wonderland said...

HI! I hope your cold gets better. I'm sitting here in Kentucky with myself and the 3 kids all down with the flu, so I feel for ya!

This is also my first stab at the NaNoWriMo thing, and I can't wait to get started!!

That sounds like a good idea about not looking at the screen while your're writing. . . but I think it would drive me bananas not seeing the little letters up spring to life up there. LOL

Debra said...

Thanks for the well-wishes, I hope you and your kids feel better soon too! I'm not sure how I will like not being able to see what I'm typing either, but I have to try something so I don't edit as I go, I'm really bad with that. Good luck with your novel, let me know how it goes! :)