Sunday, October 15, 2006

Snow... and summer memories...

Thursday evening we had our first snowfall of the season. It wasn't a lot, but it took me by surprise when I went outside and saw snow mixed with rain coming down. My daughter was excited, and promptly went back inside to find mittens and everything. :) None of it stayed on the ground, but in the morning there was snow stuck to the top of the car. Many people are grumpy over the fact that winter is coming, but I actually like winter, and the snow that comes with it. It's pretty, it makes the trees look beautiful, and there's lots of fun things you can do in it, like snowball fights, tobboganing, making snowmen (or snowpeople, whatever, don't email me for politically incorrectness please, LOL), and down-hill skiing. Not to mention catching snowflakes on your tongue and snow angels!! Plus, when it snows, it's not as cold outside, because it has to be somewhere around zero (give or take a few degrees) to snow. Anyway, it was obviously a stark reminder that summer is a distant memory. Here's a photo of Marissa during one of our many picnics that we went on over the summer. She's chasing bubbles that were coming out of a bubble machine. I love this picture.

My cold is hanging on for dear life. I'm still congested and very exhausted. Along with that comes increasing frustration that I'm not feeling better yet. I did go for a run tonight, and though I couldn't do week 3 of C25K (couch to 5K) because I couldn't run the 3 minute segments, I did most of week 2, but I think I did 4 repetitions instead of 6. I'm okay with that, considering how I'm feeling. I'm glad to have done the majority of it. I think I'm going to go to the Running Room downtown on Wednesday night and join in on their free running club, and run with some other humans. ;) I think that might be fun.

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