Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Canadian Thanksgiving

Well, somehow managed to make it through Thanksgiving, cold virus and all. My 4-yr-old daughter decided that her dinner roll made a better plate than her plate itself, and put turkey, stuffing, veggies, everything in the roll and made one huge sandwich. Of course she realized after that she couldn't fit it into her mouth, LOL. I should have taken a pic. Hubby took care of the turkey dinner and I was thankful for that, since I was not feeling well at all. I had to laugh though, when dinner was over and he was getting ready to put the leftovers in the fridge, he takes a huge turkey breast, bones and all, finds the biggest tupperware he can find, and plops it in. Of course it still didn't fit. So I told him while trying not to laugh that he's gotta take the meat off the bones first, LOL. He will probably murder me for writing this, if he reads it. So if this is my last blog entry, I apologize to all the non-existant people I imagine are actually reading this. ;) Anyway, dinner turned out pretty good and I was impressed. I hope he realizes though that all the previous years he's pretended he doesn't know how to cook are out the window and now he's going to have to do it more often, haha.

I didn't go for a run last night, and I'm still feeling nasty today. I don't know if I'll make it out tonight either. So frustrating!!

I've been thinking about my ideas for the novel I'm going to write for NaNoWriMo. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about please see my previous blog entry from yesterday ;) ). My NaNo book has started to shape a little. I have some good ideas, but I have no idea how I'm going to flush them out. Hopefully it will work itself out when I start writing it. I was starting to get really anxious about not being able to find the time to write as much as I'm going to need to. But someone on the NaNoWriMo site pointed out that 50,000 words isn't that harrowing if you break it down. You have 30 days, so that's 1667 words a day. If you break that down into an hour, that's 27 words a minute for one hour. So if you can write 27 words in a minute while writing your story, you can meet the goal with just an hour a day. My problem, as well as many other writers, is that I think too much while I'm writing and edit as I go along. So it takes me a lot longer to write because I make changes while I'm writing. One of the goals with NaNoWriMo is that you're supposed to just write, no editing, no fixing spelling mistakes or typos as you go along, no changing your wording or dialogue, nothing. Just keep writing and let your creativity flow. Write without stopping, just create, and give yourself permission to make mistakes. And worry about editing after the month is over, or your book is finished. I hope that I can change my habits enough to be able to do this. It'll be hard to turn my internal editor off while I'm writing, but I'm going to try because I really think it will help me be a better writer.

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