Friday, November 24, 2006

DETOX.. or something equally horrible...

November so far:
9 km ran
14,948 words written

Today I was 100% raw and feeling pretty good. I went out for a run that went really great, I shortened one of the walking segments and ran longer during the last running segment. My pace was better than it has been too. Then I got home. Two minutes after I sat down I felt really horrible. I felt like I was going to pass out. I think maybe I didn't eat enough today. I'm going to have to increase the amount of food I'm eating, especially on running days. I think it's partly detox too as I feel like I'm going to be sick. I ate and drank some water and I don't know what else to do but wait it out. Feel really horrible right now. But I'm so happy about my run and I think for Sunday night's run I might move from phase three to phase four. Cool. :)

Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff to get done this weekend to prepare for my trip next week...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Raw Chocolate Heaven

Today was day one of 100% raw. It went pretty well. I made a raw chili recipe for the first time and it turned out good. It was a little spicy though and Marissa wouldn't eat it. :( Andrew and I liked it but I think I'll cut the spices a little next time. I also made raw chocolate-banana shakes for lunch today and raw chocolate-walnut brownies for snacks in the evening. Yummy. The brownies tasted better than cooked brownies, but Marissa wouldn't eat them. I don't know why. Though she nibbled on the ingredients on their own, and ate a couple of dates and liked those, and walnut pieces. It's a good thing there is raw chocolate because I'd have a really hard time going raw if I had to give up chocolate for good. There would just be no way. ;) I did have a bit of a hard time with coffee cravings today. I wanted to stop for one but didn't. Yay me!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

17 years of marriage

It's been a very busy week, ending with my Wedding Anniversary yesterday. I don't think Marissa really understood what an anniversary is, but yesterday she seemed happy about it, regardless. :) Andrew and I celebrated 17 years of marriage, and we had a wonderful evening together.

I forgot to update that Marissa decided the day before her birthday that it was okay to turn five. So she's now officially five years old, even in her own mind. :)

I got an email this week from one of the teachers of "Living on Live Foods", the course I'm taking in less than 2 weeks, with some prep work I need to do for the course, so I have to work on that this week, as well as read through the book, which is nearly 600 pages long, though about half of it is recipes. ;) But it's a great read. I've had the book since long before I signed up for the course, so I've read most of it in the past, but I've never read it cover to cover and since it's a prerequisite I need to read it through again. Going to be another busy week. I've been working my way back to 100% raw, and have been eating mostly raw vegan foods for the past few days, with the exception of a couple of meals, and I'm feeling good about my progress. I think I'm going to get rid of all the non-raw food in the house, so there won't be any temptations or anything. I'm lucky that Andrew wants to go raw with me (how cool is that?), and he's also been doing great this past week with eating raw, which makes it soooo much easier that he won't be eating cooked food while I'm trying to stick to raw, and that we're doing it together. It means I don't have to have anything but raw food in the house. I'm going to just jump the gun and go 100% raw tomorrow, since I'm pretty close to that anyway. If I can complete a 30-day challenge, it should get rid of any cravings for non-raw foods and I won't even want anything but raw vegan foods anymore and my body will start to crave raw foods. I look forward to when it will be just second nature to us.

Marissa quote of the week: "Mommy, if I died, would you cry?" LOL, she even has to ask? ;)