Saturday, December 16, 2006

Step Into the Boat!!

After writing my last blog entry I emailed Elaine and she's been helping me out. She is just the coolest person ever. She reminded me of some things from class and it's all making soooo much sense now. I'm human (yay) and have been clinging to my comfort zones. :) But if I want to accomplish my goals and move towards my dreams I have to step out of my comfort zones and take some risks. I'm feeling somewhat better as I'm currently working on three steps towards my goals and hope to have them done by tomorrow. Yay for me. I'm looking forward to how I'm going to feel when they're done. One thing that I've realized is that as soon as emotions start surfacing, I stop dead in my tracks and retreat back to my comfort zones. So from now on I'm going to embrace my emotions and let myself have them, but still move forward and step into the "boat" (where my dreams are), however wobbly it may be. It will be a new experience for me to embrace my emotions. I tend to bottle them up and be afraid of them a lot, because I'm a very emotional person and they're very strong emotions most of the time. But it's a big part of me, so I think it will be a good thing to just let them out when they surface, and embrace them. When I think about it, it's like I'm just embracing ME, because they're such a big part of me. Wow, how cool is that?

Marissa quote of the week: "I don't NEED to go to school today, I'm smart enough already!!"

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