Thursday, December 14, 2006

Living on Live Food

Well I've been back from my course for over a week now. It was great to spend 5 days with Alissa Cohen and learn so much from her about the raw food lifestyle. And the course wasn't just about the food, it was about so much more. The facilitator Elaine was sooo insightful and helped us realize amazing things about ourselves. A friend of mine asked me when I got back how I was feeling, and how I've changed... I didn't know how to answer that at the time. I wasn't sure how I was feeling or how to put it into words. It really was a life-changing experience. After thinking about it for the past week, there are a few things that I do know. I learned a lot about myself and what I want out of life. I've gained a lot of self-confidence, and realized how much value I have to offer. I believe in myself and feel better equipped to manifest what I want in my life. It's strange but I feel a little down at the same time. Because I've realized how much time I've spent up until now doing nothing (or next to nothing) to achieve my goals or realize my visions. I know there's no point in dwelling in the past, but it's really been pulling at me. All of the soul-searching we did during the course made me realize that I've been distancing myself from people, and neglecting things that are important to me. That's really been bothering me. I know that the only thing I can do is change things now, and for the future... But for some reason it's like I'm hesitating. I don't know if I'm just afraid of change, or if I still don't think I deserve what I want out of life, or what the problem is. Is it possible that I'm actually afraid to be happy and successful?? Is there a Doctor in the house??? Anyway, that's me in a nutshell, as crazy as it is.

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