Sunday, November 05, 2006

A sea of self-doubt

November so far:
1.16 km ran
5097 words written
raw food - (don't even ask, LOL)

Reading back my post from November 1st, I can scarcely remember what it felt like to have the month start off so well. On day one I had a good running session, and also wrote over 2,000 words of my novel, which is more than the daily quota to reach the month's goal of 50,000. I'm bummed to have to report that things went a little downhill from there. Thursday and Friday I wrote zero words. Yikes. I was having kind of an emotional time of it. The only way I can explain it was that I was wallowing in a sea of self-doubt, and I lost motivation because of it. I fell into a "my novel sucks...woe is me...there's no way I can do this" attitude. But luckily I seem to have snapped out of it...mostly. I've come to realize that obviously this is only the first draft of my novel and it's supposed to have issues, LOL. There are a lot of things I like about what I've written so far so I'm going to focus on that, and make notes of what I can do to improve things on the rewrites later. Which is really the whole point of NaNoWriMo anyway. Saturday night I went to a local coffee shop and wrote about another 1800 words. I was very focused and it felt really good to have the words pouring out again. Tonight I went to a write-in with other local NaNoWriMo enthusiasts that I'd met at the Kick-Off and wrote some more, then had a nice chat with one of the other writers afterwards. THEN came home and wrote more, for a total of about 1300 today. I'm happy to at least be back in the swing of things and the novel is moving along. I hope to write at least 3000 words tomorrow to do some catching up. I'm also really itching to go out for a run tomorrow as my running kind of took a backseat this weekend as I snapped myself out of my writing slump. ;)


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say I hope you have had a great week writing and running!

You can do it!

Debra said...

Thanks very much for your encouragement, I appreciate it! :)