Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November is here, yikes...

November so far:
1.16 km ran
2037 words written
0 days 100% raw (hmmm.. better luck tomorrow)

Well, the first day of November was busy, as expected. But it went pretty good. I wrote about 1000 words this morning, did some preparations for Marissa's 5th birthday party which is in 10 days (sniff! she's getting so big). Then of course there was work. Tonight I went for a run and it was great, I'm finally back to Week 3 of C25K after getting over that bad cold virus. The run was really hard, and I think I'm going to feel it tomorrow, but I felt really good having done it. Then I wrote about another 1000 words afterwards, all-in-all a productive day. I even managed to squeeze in one of my favourite shows, "Criminal Minds". Love that show.

1 comment:

Tina in Wonderland said...

Sounds like you got off to a great start with that 2000 first day word count! I just cranked out 1,406 yesterday and another 1,623 for tonight for a total of 3,029 as of a few minutes ago. I'm really enjoying it for the most part (though I do have my moments of staring at the word count thingie at the top of my screen, trying to will it go up quicker!).

Your little girl is so cute in her costume, and I love the pumpkins, too!