Monday, October 30, 2006

NaNoWriMo Kick-Off

Last night I went to a kick-off party here in town and met several other local men and women that are going to tackle NaNoWriMo this year. I really enjoyed it. It was great to touch base with some other people that are on the same page (pun intended) and are going through some of the same anxieties and challenges in tackling the same goal of writing a 50,000 page novel in 30 days. :)

I'm getting kind of nervous about November, which is like one day away! I'm actually going on a trip at the end of November and leaving on the 29th. That means to be safe I actually have to finish 50,000 words by November 28th. So instead of 1667 words per day for 30 days I have to write 1850 words per day for 28 days. Hmmm...

If that's not crazy enough, I'm thinking about also tackling a 30 day raw food challenge starting November 1st, in connection with my favourite raw food website, In addition to never finishing any novels that I've begun to write, I've never completed a 30 day raw challenge either. I figure if I'm going to make November a productive month, I might as well go all the way! :) The last time I went raw I lasted about 12 days. That was in June of this year. It's the longest I've ever gone eating 100% raw foods. I had just started getting over the beginning of detox and feeling really great. So I'm not sure why when I'm starting to feel the wonderful effects of raw food is when I cave and give in to horrible cooked food cravings. It's like I'm afraid of success or something. If I decide to do the 30 day challenge I will start a series of blog entries to explain what the raw food lifestyle is, what I'm doing, and why... ;)

It's going to be very challenging (to say the least) to work towards these two major goals, NaNoWriMo and a 30 day raw food challenge, and also keep up running, this blog, and whole host of other life responsibilities that can't be totally ignored... I have one more day to get my life in order for all of this, and it's Halloween and I have a 4-year-old to dress up as Tinkerbell and take trick-or-treating. Or let the hubby do it and give out candy to probably over 100 local kids. Either way, it's going to be busy...


Tina in Wonderland said...

Good luck on everything! I also can't wait for tomorrow to get here so I can get started on the big NaNoWriMo project. I'm really excited about it!

I look forward to reading about your stab at an all raw diet, too. I'm a pesco ovo vegetarian and sort of a health nut, but no way could I get through the stressful month of November - writing 50,000 words, Thanksgiving with the in-laws, the dreaded start of Christmas shopping, plus the daily housewife-and-homeschooling-mom grind with the husband getting on my last nerve - without the joy of chocolate, coffee, and yummy pasta dishes!

Debra said...

Luckily you can make raw versions of pasta dishes and raw chocolate is even better than the processed version of chocolate. I can whip up yummy raw chocolate-walnut brownies in less than 5 minutes and they're sooooo good. :) The coffee I agree with, it will be a challenge to give it up, but I'll make peace with that. Warm cocoa is good too, LOL. And raw brazil nut chocolate shakes taste similar to frappucinos. ;)