Monday, October 09, 2006

I think I've finally lost it...

I came to the decision to start this blog because my life is getting so crazy I'm afraid that if I don't document it somewhere it will all end up a blur and there will be no way I'll remember any of it, LOL. I have a husband, a 4-year-old daughter who will be 5 soon (sniff! sniff!), a dog, a cat and 2 goldfish who have lived surprisingly long and I can't believe they're still alive. I have a part-time job, I run a website, I'm trying to write a novel, and I've taken up running. Those are just some of the major things, anyway. ;)

I took up running at the end of August. I'm working through a popular training program I found online that gradually works you up to running 5K without stopping. The program is called "Couch to 5K" and is found on here: I've been kind of slow with it but I'm gradually improving. I'm on week three right now, thinking about moving to week four. the runnin started out as a way to help me lose some weight, but it's become much more thn that. I really love it. I think I'm getting addicted to it. I just feel so great when I'm running, like nothing else in the world matters. It's great stress relief, it's something I do just for myself, it's ME time, and it feels awesome and very liberating. my first goal is to run a 5K. Then move up from that.

I've been battling a cold since Saturday. There have been 4 or 5 people sick at work, one after the other for the past couple of weeks, so I blame it on them that I woke up Saturday with a sore throat. ;) Of course, my turn comes on the long weekend (Thanksgiving here in Canada). I always get sick at the worst possible times. And always when I have a million things to do. Anyway, yesterday I felt a bit worse, and today I'm all stuffed up. We are still going to end up with turkey dinner on the table somehow today, but I haven't worked that out yet. I think I'll supervise my husband while he does it... Sounds like a plan to me... ;) If anyone has any ideas on how to kick this cold in the butt, please let me know. I have a million things I need to be doing and no energy to do them. I actually went running last night even though I'm not feeling well at all. It was going to be just a walk, since I actually should be resting. But ended up running a few segments. Stupid, eh?

Last night, while I was feeling crappy and vegetating while surfing the 'net, I signed up for NaNoWriMo, which stands for "National Novel Writing Month". It's a program where you write a novel from scratch in 30 days, during the month of November. You have to write 50,000 words to qualify as winning and succeeding in the challenge. I think this is the end for me, I think I've finally lost it. I have no idea how I'm going to accomplish this, but I've been working on writing different novels off and on for years now, and I really want to succeed at finishing a novel. I never finish anything I start. Gotta stop the cycle... I have a couple of weeks before it starts to get myself prepped for it. Hmmmmm...

Well, I think that's enough about me for the moment. If you read this far, thanks... ;) Please send me a message so I know I'm not typing all of this into some cyber black hole and someone is actually reading it. That would give me the motivation to continue typing this nonsense. Otherwise, it will be too easy to procrastinate, which I'm sure you know by now I'm extremely good at...

Happy Thanksgiving to all you Canadians... To all you Americans, Happy Columbus Day, if you celebrate it...


Anita Powell said...

Hi! I know you have no idea who I am, but I saw your blog on NaNoWriMo and had to say hello. But here's the funny part. I read this post and was so excited to see that you're doing the couch to 5k thing. I'm doing it too! Some friends and I have decided to run a 5k in March, and I found the couch to 5k program online about a week ago. I also found a podcast on iTunes that is tailored to work with the program, so I'm using that. I'm starting week 1 tomorrow!

Anyway, good luck with NaNoWriMo!

Debra said...

Hi Anita, my husband found the podcast as well, and promptly downloaded it for me. Good luck with your novel, and the C25K running program. I'm really enjoying it, and don't worry if it takes you longer to progress through it, lots of people do. For example, it took me a couple of weeks to get through week 1. Keep in touch! :)