Monday, November 20, 2006

Raw Chocolate Heaven

Today was day one of 100% raw. It went pretty well. I made a raw chili recipe for the first time and it turned out good. It was a little spicy though and Marissa wouldn't eat it. :( Andrew and I liked it but I think I'll cut the spices a little next time. I also made raw chocolate-banana shakes for lunch today and raw chocolate-walnut brownies for snacks in the evening. Yummy. The brownies tasted better than cooked brownies, but Marissa wouldn't eat them. I don't know why. Though she nibbled on the ingredients on their own, and ate a couple of dates and liked those, and walnut pieces. It's a good thing there is raw chocolate because I'd have a really hard time going raw if I had to give up chocolate for good. There would just be no way. ;) I did have a bit of a hard time with coffee cravings today. I wanted to stop for one but didn't. Yay me!

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